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Communication plan, project promotional material, web site and social media (WP2)

  1. Communication plan
  2. Promotional material (posters, leaflet, labels, jockey hats, t-shirts, boot field covers)
  3. Project website
  4. Social-media page
  5. Special leaflets from the partners
    1. PB4 Publicity leaflets 1, 2 and 3
    2. PB5 Informational brochure on the works and activities of CBC (English) (Italian)

Management meetings (WP1)

  1. 1st Management Meeting / kickoff meeting | Arta, May 2018
  2. 2nd Management Meeting | Bari, March 2019
  3. 3rd Management Meeting | Foggia, July 2019
  4. 4th Management Meeting / Closeout meeting | Ioannina, November 2020

Dissemination events (WP2)

  1. WATERinMARCH! 2019, annual event for efficient irrigation & drainage | Arta, March 2019
  2. WATERinMARCH! 2020, annual event for efficient irrigation & dranage | Epirus, March & September 2020
  3. Workshop on Efficient irrigation/drainage/leaching management and the use of recycled water under Mediterranean environmental conditions with regard to effects on receiving aquatic ecosystems | Apulia, June 2021
  4. Workshop on Sustainable irrigation management in Southern Mediterranean agriculture: Opportunities and challenges | Apoulia, June 2021
  5. Capitalisation workshop | Bari, October 2022

Associated activities (beyond project funding)

  1. WATERinMARCH! 2021, annual event for efficient irrigation & drainage | Arta, March 2021
  2. WATER special issue "Climate Smart Irrigation Management for Sustainable Agricultural Cultivation"
  3. WATERinMARCH! 2022 | Arta, March 2022
  4. Presentation of IR2MA results at the 30th Conference of the Greek Society of Horticultural Science
  5. Interreg 2014-2020 GR-IT Capitalisation Workshop | Bari, October 2022
  6. WATERinMARCH! 2023 | Arta, March 2023


1st Management Meeting / kickoff meeting | Arta, May 2018

May 14 and 15, 2018 | TEIEP Kostakii Campus, Arta, GREECE (map)

Invitation/Agenda | Pre meeting PRESS release (ENG) | Δελτίο τύπου πριν την συνάντηση (GR)

180514 kickoff

Minutes Photo album



2nd Management Meeting | Bari, March 2019

March 14 and 15, 2019 | CNR-ISPA, Bari, ITALY


190314 2ndman

Minutes | Photo album 


Technical visit (FB post, article)


WATERinMARCH! 2019, annual event for efficient irrigation & drainage | Arta, March 2019

March 28-29, 2019 | UoI, Kostakii Campus, Arta, GREECE

190328 WiM2019 WWD2019

Registered at the UN World Water Day 2019 events calendar

Invitation/Agenda | Δελτίο τύπου πριν την εκδήλωση (GR) | Δελτίο τύπου μετά την εκδήλωση (GR)

Photo album 1, Photo album 2



3rd Management Meeting | Foggia, July 2019

July 17, 2019 | CBC, Foggia, ITALY


190717 3rdman2 190717 3rdman

MinutesPhoto album



WATERinMARCH! 2020, annual event for efficient irrigation & drainage | Epirus, March & September 2020

March 26, 2020 | WEB activity (due to COVID-19 safety measures) hosted by UoI (IR2MA PB1/LB)

WiM2020logo WWD2020 web assets 10

Event registered at the UN World Water Day 2020 events calendar

UNESCO WWAP Main messages of the UN World Water Development Report 2020, Water and Climate Change (Video)

The expert knows!

Because of the special situation we face this March due to COVID-19 we decided to avoid a public event and we thought as a good idea to invite experts in climate, hydrology, water resources, irrigation, the impact of water resources management on groundwater and surface water receiving bodies, to honor WATERinMARCH! 2020 by highlighting scientific papers, articles and presentations focused on this year's World Water Day theme - referring (if it is possible) to agriculture. Relevant material from IR2MA team members will be also available.

As you probably stay more time inside, relax and enjoy the expert's personal suggestions, which we think that will stimulate your mind and why not make you act. 

Suggestions and presentations from IR2MA team members


  • Y.L. Tsirogiannis & N. Malamos DSS for improved irrigation management and water savings - The system that operates at the plain of Arta / new features (Presentation)


 September, 2020 | WEB activity (due to COVID-19 safety measures) hosted by e-Forum Energy-II

 The DSS of PB1/LB IR2MA

  • Y.L. Tsirogiannis & N. Malamos DSS for irrigation management aiming to water and energy savings - The system that operates at the plain of Arta (Video)


4th Management Meeting / Closeout meeting | Ioannina

November, 2020 | WEB event (organised by PB2/RoE), GREECE


4th 014th 02

Minutes | Photo album



Workshop on efficient irrigation/drainage/leaching management and the use of recycled water under Mediterranean environmental conditions with regard to effects on receiving aquatic ecosystems | Apulia, June 2021

Gestione efficiente della pratica irrigua e riutilizzo delle acque reflue in ambiente mediterraneo: il progetto IR2MA

June, 11 2021 | WEB based event (organised by PB3/ISPA-CNR), ITALY

Invitation/Agenda | Comunicato stampa

The workshop is an open event. To participate, please fill out the registration form at: https://www.ispacnr.it/workshop-ir2ma/

Photo album

1 2

Presentations, see the recording of the seminar through ISPA/CNR's webpage and Youtube channel:

  • Andrea Zotti Inquadramento delle politiche, normative e iniziative della Regione Puglia in tema di gestione efficiente della pratica irrigua, tutela della risorsa idrica e impiego di acque reflue
  • Luigi Nardella, Nicoletta Noviello Un modello di gestione dell'acqua: il Consorzio per la Bonifica della Capitanata
  • Mladen Todorovic, Andy Mehmeti Il life cycle thinking e LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) a supporto della sostenibilità dell'irrigazione: evidenze dai casi-studio del progetto IR2MA
  • Ioannis Tsirogiannis Impatto pratico delle attività del progetto IR2MA sulla gestione dell'irrigazione nella regione dell'Epiro (GRECIA)
  • Daniele Massa Strategie per la riduzione dell’inquinamento dei corpi idrici nell'orticoltura intensiva Europea.
  • Francesco F. Montesano, Massimiliano D’Imperio, Vito Cantore, Francesca Boari, Angelo Parente Esperienze applicative di approcci tecnologici per l'irrigazione
    razionale delle colture orticole di serra
  • Alfieri Pollice Depurazione delle acque reflue e qualità degli effluenti ai fini del riutilizzo irriguo.
  • Angelo Parente, Massimiliano D’Imperio, Francesca Boari, Vito Cantore, Francesco F. Montesano Impiego di acque reflue per la produzione di ortaggi di qualità in idroponica. Un caso studio.
  • Erminio E. Riezzo Bluleaf per il Waste Water Management: applicazione delle innovazioni digitali IoT-DSS in contesti produttivi reali
  • Silvio Fritegotto Il ruolo della formazione tecnica nella diffusione delle nuove tecnologie in agricoltura a supporto di processi produttivi efficienti e razionali

Workshop on Sustainable irrigation management in Southern Mediterranean agriculture: Opportunities and challenges | Apulia, June 2021

iam bari

June 24, 2021 | WEB based event (organised by PB4/IAMB), ITALY


The workshop is an open event. To participate, please fill out the registration form at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuhNus4ZXSmNnPt9cR8VA02onFR4watc1YBFMi1EsrG_1j2A/viewform

Photo album



WATERinMARCH! 2021, annual event for efficient irrigation & drainage | Arta, March 2021

29 Μάρτιου, 2021 | Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων, Τμήμα Γεωπονίας

IR2MA associated event (beyond project funding) / Teleconference hosted by oliHUB

OC WWD 2021

Στο πλαίσιο του εορτασμού της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας νερού (UN World Water Day 2021)

Ελαιοκαλλιέργεια και νερό

Επίσημη ανακοίνωση στο διαδικτυακό τόπο του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων: https://www.uoi.gr/events/waterinmarch-2021-elaiokalliergeia-kai-nero/

Olive microsprinkler 




Κωνσταντίνος Σ. Χαρτζουλάκης MSc, PhD Γεωπόνος-Ερευνητής, Αρδεύσεις & Ελαιοκομία | τ. Δ/ντής Ινστιτούτου Ελιάς & Υποτροπικών Φυτών | ZenAgro PC

Οι υδατικές ανάγκες της ελιάς, αξιοποίηση εναλλακτικών πηγών νερού και εφαρμογή άρδευσης ακριβείας στην ελαιοκαλλιέργεια



Νεκτάριος Κουργιαλάς MSc, PhD Ερευνητής Γ’ Εργ. Υδατικών Πόρων - Αρδεύσεων & Περιβ/ντικής Γεωπληροφορικής, Ινστιτούτο Ελιάς, Υποτροπικών Φυτών & Αμπέλου (ΙΕΛΥΑ), ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΚΟΣ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ (ΕΛΓΟ-ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ)

Διαχείριση νερού στην ελαιοκαλλιέργεια - Εφαρμοσμένη έρευνα, νέες τεχνολογίες και προσαρμογή στις επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής αλλαγής



Photo album

Προηγούμενες εκδηλώσεις WATERinMARCH! https://www.irrigation-management.eu/communication/water-in-march


WATER special issue "Climate Smart Irrigation Management for Sustainable Agricultural Cultivation"


See the contents of the special issue at WATER


WATERinMARCH! 2022 | Arta, March 2022

24 Μάρτιου, 2022 | ΔΑΟΚ Περιφερειακής Ενότητας Άρτας

29 Μάρτιου, 2022 | Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων, Τμήμα Γεωπονίας

IR2MA associated event (beyond project funding)

Στο πλαίσιο του εορτασμού της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας νερού 2022 (https://public.wmo.int/en/resources/world-meteorological-day) και της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας Μετεωρολογίας 2022 (https://www.worldwaterday.org/)

Παρουσίαση αγρομετεωρολογικών δεδομένων, μετρήσεων παροχής και συστημάτων συμβουλών άρδευσης σε στελέχη της ΔΑΟΚ Περ. Εν. Άρτας

Παρουσίαση για τη χρήση νερού στον αγροτικό τομέας σε μαθητές της Άρτας και τους φιλοξενούμενους μαθητές Erasmus

Παρουσίαση συστημάτων μικρο-άρδευσης σε φοιτητές του τμ. Γεωπονίας ΠΙ σε συνεργασία με Rivulis / Eurodrip


Presentation of IR2MA results at the 30th Conference of the Greek Society of Horticultural Science

Results from audits of irrigation systems of olive grooves at the plain of Arta, that were realised in the framework of IR2MA project will be presented at the 30th Conference of the Greek Society of Horticultural Science (https://30eeeo.aua.gr)


Capitalisation workshop | Bari, October 2022

Presentation of IR2MA outcomes and add-value ath the Capitalisation Workshop that as organised be Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme organizes at Bari on 19 October 2022 (9.30 am – 5.00 pm) during the international event Fiera del Levante, in the 110 Internationalisation Pavilion. 

More information about the event, presentations of all projects and video is available at: https://greece-italy.eu/capitalisation-workshop-bari-levante-fair-19-october-2022/ and https://greece-italy.eu/capitalisation-workshop-in-bari-on-line-the-project-presentations/

WATERinMARCH! 2023 | Arta, March 2023

Collaboration with NTUA (project e-Pyrros) for the presentation of hydrological monitoring systems at the plain of Arta to water stakeholders


Project page at Interrege Greece-Italy web site: https://greece-italy.eu/rlb-funded-projects/ir2ma/

Project title

IR2MA - Large Scale Irrigation Management Tools for Sustainable Water Management in Rural Areas and Protection of Receiving Aquatic Ecosystems


UNIVERSITY OF IOANNINA - Research Committee (UoI) http://www.rc.uoi.gr/ (Lead partner)

REGION of EPIRUS (ROE) http://www.php.gov.gr/




REGION OF PUGLIA (ROP) http://www.regione.puglia.it/

IR2MA partners logo

Brief summary

IR2MA “Large Scale Irrigation Management Tools for Sustainable Water Management in Rural Areas and Protection of Receiving Aquatic Ecosystems” is one of the 41 projects that were approved in the framework of the 1st call for ordinary project proposals of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V/A Greece-Italy 2014-2020, http://greece-italy.eu/. The project started on April 1st 2018 and is expected to last 24 months.

IR2MA aims to support a network of expertise exchange for demand-driven capitalization of scientific knowledge and good practices regarding irrigation-drainage and their effects on the receiving aquatic ecosystems. It will be carried out by regional authorities, universities, research institutes and water management organizations.

Both Greece and Italy try to put in practice rules that originate from the directive 2000/60/EC in order to protect water in both qualitative and quantitative terms. The major water user in the programme area is agriculture. Efficient management in large participatory irrigation-drainage systems as well as at end-user level is expected to lead to improved water usage and control of drainage. The latest transfer contaminants generated from fertilizers, plant protection materials etc. to underground aquifers and surface aquatic receivers. Many of these receivers include sensitive ecosystems that are top ranked in environmental agreements (Ramsar, NATURA2000 etc).

Central participatory systems in Epirus are characterized by low technological level of infrastructure and poor management. The sharing of expertise in developmanet and usage of decision support systems (DSS) for water management at end-user level will promote cooperation between managing authorities to confront common problems. The central participatory system of Capitanata (CBC, Foggia) is considered to be the most advanced in the programme area. It applies state of the art infrastructure and management systems and it also applies for years a water management DSS for end-users. IAMB holds extended expertise regarding management of irrigation-drainage systems in all levels and will bring extended know-how to the project as it is part of CIHEAM, an organization with branches all around the Mediterranean Sea. Their cooperation with Greek partners (UoI and Region of Epirus) will provide valuable feedback and applicable recommendations for the improvement of participatory systems in Epirus. In this framework, activities regarding measurement of water quantity and quality, flood alarms, DSS usage etc. will be applied.

IAMB, ISPA/CNR and UoI will also perform applied research activities which will be mainly focused on the use of recycled water (from various sources) for irrigation of crops. This is a practice of great interest which is expected to become mainstream in the near future in order to save good quality fresh water for other uses and to reduce contaminant loads from being directly discharged to aquatic receivers. Finally the project will include communication activities (help desk, seminars, demonstration sites etc.) in order to stimulate public consciousness regarding water issues and professionals training regarding strategies and methods for efficient irrigation-drainage management and protection of receiving aquatic ecosystems.The participation of the Region of Puglia as associate partner will provide great assistance to that.